Sarala, Kapjova and Rudnic.
I thought I was going to Sarala for a couple of days... BUT NO! Ps Anatoli from
Kapjova high-jacked me.
We went to Rudnic. A village up in the mountains. It isn't all that far north,
but because it is so high it has snow for 9 months in the year. We went up on
the mountain and did some snow boarding. That was "cool" (in more ways than
Now I'm praying that the Lord will give me a snow board... and a big mountain
in Moscow as well!
This is the group that went snowboarding.
This is Rudnic.
Anyway, from there we went to Kapjova. Where I preached... Okay, you can't really call it preach. As I didn't have a translator the message was very simple. But still it was a blessed meeting! By Monday I was in Sarala. Here also I shared something in broken Russian. Man, it's frustrating to have so much you want to say and you can't get a word out! Ps Vitali and his wife are both teachers in the local school. when I showed them a presentation about the Mission Russia team and the work we are doing in Moscow she saw an opportunity. Make a clip for their school! Okay, I suppose that is mission work as well? So, the Director (Russian school principal) took me around the whole school and I just had to take photos! Got a couple of nice ones too! I did the clip, and showed it to the school board yesterday. They were all very excited. I thought I was to go directly to Irkutsk from Sarala... But again the Lord changed my plans. The Bible says. The Plans of man are many, but only the Will of God and His plans will come to flourish! Now I'm going to Irkutsk via Krasnoyarsk on Sunday. In the church in Kapjova I said to the Ps that I can't preach, my Russian isn't yet good enough, but he wanted to know nothing of that! Like I said about the people in Abakan. They are so hungry for the truth and something "Living" and not just empty promises and old Ideology that through time was proved wrong. Please keep on praying for the Church in Russia and Siberia!!! I told the church that we are praying for them... That means we have to pray. I don't have Internet or Cell reception here at all, so I organized with Philip in Moscow to send my previous newsletter. WOW, what will I do without brothers and sisters? -- A couple of days later -- Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk... Yeah, like I said. "I don't have e-mail or internet" So, by the time you read this, it is already old news! I made it to Irkutsk! (via Krasnoyarsk) The church I visited in Krasnoyarsk consist of a group of about 15 students... And they "ROCK"! For the old folk that don't know what that means: "They are on fire!" That evening I was taken to the train, after we went bowling! What a blessing that was!!! Speaking of blessings. Just before I left them, Ps Vitali from Sarala gave me 1000p (about R220). At first I thought "I should be giving him money and not the other way around!" But I realized that he will be blessed in return aswell... So I accepted the money. Later another person gave me 100p. The exiting thing is this... When we got to the ticket office the guys asked me if I'm going Platzkart (3rd class) or Coupe (2nd). I said Platzkart. To this the lady behind the counter just replied with a "No platzkart left, only coupe! And that will be 1145p!" So, I at least got some good sleep on the train! But that is not what I want to brag about... After the Lord clearly said to me that I must come to Irkutsk, that was a very good confirmation that I'm on the right track. When I got here, it was absolutely not what I expected. I still have motion sickness from the train, and my contact person here is leaving in a days time, and everything is just not going good. I thought "Ah, well... Move on." But NO! The Lord clearly showed me to come here. So I decided to stick it out and only to move on when He says so. About an hour after the decision things already started to change! So, please pray for me! I understand that it is important for me to be here in Irkutsk. Please pray that I'll be able to connect with the right people and that I'll only be able to walk in His footsteps! Also pray for the motion sickness. Yeah, I know that by the time you get this e- mail I'll be fine, but pray so long for the next trip. Speaking of trip... As it turned out I didn't even need to take the bus. Somebody paid Ps Anatoli from Kapjova to take a load of furniture to Krasnoyarsk with his little truck. So we had an extra seven hours of fellowship! The night before we left I dreamed we rode off a high cliff. I only remembered the dream as we were in the car. I didn't mention anything to Anatoli, but just prayed for our protection. The road was very slippery and we could only move at about 60km/h. We passed about 3 cars and 1 big truck that slid into the ditch next to the road. We serve and AWESOME GOD! He not just protects us, but warns us in advance to ask Him to protect us! Any way. Please keep praying for my protection and traveling. I contacted a South Afrikaner who is working near here. I would like to visit him as well, but I don't know for sure what is happening yet. Please pray for that as well. Pray for the church in Irkutsk. I hear it is also a bunch of students and youngsters... I can't wait to meet them! Okay. I'm going to sleep now. Spokoini Nochi ("Good night" in Russian) Al

Anyway, from there we went to Kapjova. Where I preached... Okay, you can't really call it preach. As I didn't have a translator the message was very simple. But still it was a blessed meeting! By Monday I was in Sarala. Here also I shared something in broken Russian. Man, it's frustrating to have so much you want to say and you can't get a word out! Ps Vitali and his wife are both teachers in the local school. when I showed them a presentation about the Mission Russia team and the work we are doing in Moscow she saw an opportunity. Make a clip for their school! Okay, I suppose that is mission work as well? So, the Director (Russian school principal) took me around the whole school and I just had to take photos! Got a couple of nice ones too! I did the clip, and showed it to the school board yesterday. They were all very excited. I thought I was to go directly to Irkutsk from Sarala... But again the Lord changed my plans. The Bible says. The Plans of man are many, but only the Will of God and His plans will come to flourish! Now I'm going to Irkutsk via Krasnoyarsk on Sunday. In the church in Kapjova I said to the Ps that I can't preach, my Russian isn't yet good enough, but he wanted to know nothing of that! Like I said about the people in Abakan. They are so hungry for the truth and something "Living" and not just empty promises and old Ideology that through time was proved wrong. Please keep on praying for the Church in Russia and Siberia!!! I told the church that we are praying for them... That means we have to pray. I don't have Internet or Cell reception here at all, so I organized with Philip in Moscow to send my previous newsletter. WOW, what will I do without brothers and sisters? -- A couple of days later -- Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk... Yeah, like I said. "I don't have e-mail or internet" So, by the time you read this, it is already old news! I made it to Irkutsk! (via Krasnoyarsk) The church I visited in Krasnoyarsk consist of a group of about 15 students... And they "ROCK"! For the old folk that don't know what that means: "They are on fire!" That evening I was taken to the train, after we went bowling! What a blessing that was!!! Speaking of blessings. Just before I left them, Ps Vitali from Sarala gave me 1000p (about R220). At first I thought "I should be giving him money and not the other way around!" But I realized that he will be blessed in return aswell... So I accepted the money. Later another person gave me 100p. The exiting thing is this... When we got to the ticket office the guys asked me if I'm going Platzkart (3rd class) or Coupe (2nd). I said Platzkart. To this the lady behind the counter just replied with a "No platzkart left, only coupe! And that will be 1145p!" So, I at least got some good sleep on the train! But that is not what I want to brag about... After the Lord clearly said to me that I must come to Irkutsk, that was a very good confirmation that I'm on the right track. When I got here, it was absolutely not what I expected. I still have motion sickness from the train, and my contact person here is leaving in a days time, and everything is just not going good. I thought "Ah, well... Move on." But NO! The Lord clearly showed me to come here. So I decided to stick it out and only to move on when He says so. About an hour after the decision things already started to change! So, please pray for me! I understand that it is important for me to be here in Irkutsk. Please pray that I'll be able to connect with the right people and that I'll only be able to walk in His footsteps! Also pray for the motion sickness. Yeah, I know that by the time you get this e- mail I'll be fine, but pray so long for the next trip. Speaking of trip... As it turned out I didn't even need to take the bus. Somebody paid Ps Anatoli from Kapjova to take a load of furniture to Krasnoyarsk with his little truck. So we had an extra seven hours of fellowship! The night before we left I dreamed we rode off a high cliff. I only remembered the dream as we were in the car. I didn't mention anything to Anatoli, but just prayed for our protection. The road was very slippery and we could only move at about 60km/h. We passed about 3 cars and 1 big truck that slid into the ditch next to the road. We serve and AWESOME GOD! He not just protects us, but warns us in advance to ask Him to protect us! Any way. Please keep praying for my protection and traveling. I contacted a South Afrikaner who is working near here. I would like to visit him as well, but I don't know for sure what is happening yet. Please pray for that as well. Pray for the church in Irkutsk. I hear it is also a bunch of students and youngsters... I can't wait to meet them! Okay. I'm going to sleep now. Spokoini Nochi ("Good night" in Russian) Al
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