Siberia... WOW what a place!
I've been here for about a week now, and I thought I should sit down and type
before it is all too much to write.
It is however not that easy!
I've been at the conference in Abakan. Abakan is a city of about 200'000 people
but looks just like Oudsthoorn.
The conference was very frustrating for me.
I know we are different parts of the "Body of Christ" and that there are
different expressions and ways of showing your love for Him. My aim with this
letter is not to shoot any part of the Body down or to say any practice is
wrong. Please understand! I'm only trying to show you what is on my heart and
how I experience the people of Siberia.
Lord showed me so many things about this people that are absolutely breaking my
The People are searching for the Lord and they are so hungry and open, but the
form of Christianity that is given to them is all manipulation and falseness.
Through out the conference there were certain things (and incidences) that kept
popping up. Things that would normally not happen. And all the time I was just
so aware of the fact that the Lord has placed me here to show me the heart of
the people.
Right in the beginning while I was walking from the shop to the church a
babushka asked me what the time is. I told her, and that was just the opening
she was looking for! She started to talk to me and open her heart to me. She
had such an expectation for this conference and she could just say with
disappointment that it is all the same as last year. "Nothing new!" I told here
that she should look to Jesus to do something new in here life, but she
couldn't understand it. The leaders of the church has been so lifted up (and
exulted) that she just kept looking to them to do something amazing.
The people are so hungry for a touch from the Lord. At one point the preacher
had word of wisdom, and said there is a person with a blockage in the
intestines. The doctor had told the person he or she would need an operation
and that it is very serious. When he asked if there is any person like that,
about fifty people went up for prayer. He emphasized again and again that it is
not just an ordinary case, but a special person he needs to pray for, but all
of the people stood.
The same happened the night after that. A person with a bad heart valve. More
than hundred people went up for prayer.
The words don't convey the reality. The people are HUNGRY!!!
Like I say, my frustration is not so much about the style of church as to the
fact that it just breaks my heart to see the people and to see the things the
Lord is showing me. But as I say, I realize I have to see this for future
work in this areas.
I had set as a goal to bring at least two outreaches with students in the next
five years. not thinking it will be next year already... After seeing the
people I realize that I'll have to start straight away planning for an outreach
here next year. I don't know which students... but I know! Jesus will supply
the workers!!!
WOW! The harvest field is white!!! Please pray that the Lord of the harvest
will raise up workers to bring in this GREAT HARVEST! Please pray that the Lord
will raise up people to come and minister the LOVE of our LORD JESUS to this
hungry and broken people!
Please pray for a people who is bold enough to show their brokenness and to
show what a living relationship with the Lord is, what it is to worship the
Lord in SPIRIT and in TRUTH!
Like Hugo (Mission Russia Overseer) said. "True Christianity in the 21th
At the beginning of this conference everyone said we will never be the same
afterwards... ABSOLUTELY TRUE! I think I will never think the same of these
Now my heart really goes out to Albert and Carien that are stuck in South
Africa. They have been here in Siberia a year ago and worked in Novosibirsk.
They have seen and experienced the hunger in the people. Now for some time they
have to stay in SA.
Please pray for them as well! Pray that the Lord will not only release them to
do the work He has called them to do, but that He will release workers that
will help them to bring in this great harvest and to show what true life in
Christ is!
At the moment, I'm in Cheriomushkey. A town in the mountains somewhere in the
southern parts of Siberia.
To give you an idea... If you look at the map of Asia, we are north east of
India and just of the western border of Mongolia.
Any way, the town has a population of 8 000! There is lots of mountains and
even more fresh air! I love it here, it reminds me a lot Groenfontein (Near
I'll be here some days. Meeting with the pastor of the church, meeting
with some people and also do some sightseeing, going up the mountain!
I met with a some pastors that were at the conference. One of them is Ps Vitali
from a small village not far from here. I'm planning to go there next. Meet
with him, his church of about 10-20 people, and just to encourage and be a
blessing to them.
I was really blessed by all the people I met at the conference.
I chatted with lots of people, but two old Babushki stands out. The one got
saved in the 1950's, and her sister in the 1970's. It was just amazing to here
there testimonies and what life was like as a Christian under the previous
When I was all discouraged by what I saw at the conference, I SMSed Hugo and he
just said I must speak with the Russian pastors and listen to their hearts.
These guys don't have it easy!
I know in the past we prayed for the Christians behind the iron curtain and
when communism fell we all rejoiced and thanked the Lord. Now I as you: Please
pray and keep on praying for these pastors. Please pray for there churches.
Pray for the Christians that is doing absolute pioneer work here. Bringing the
Gospel of Jesus' love and mercy to a people that has been lied to for so many
Thank you for all your prayers and blessings!
Thank you for taking part, and working with me in this great job the Lord has
given us to do!
Be blessed in Jesus name!!!
Al the Pote
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