I had a dream! (Sounds like Martin Luther King). I only remembered this later during the morning as I was in the Metro going to MGU to pray.
In my dream I was going to the river where there had been a flood. As I was on my way I saw a news report. They showed the map of Moscow and I saw the curve of the river near the University. A woman reporter on TV said that all the low lying areas are effected and that it is an "Kashmar!" (Disaster).
Only after this I heard about the floods in America, so I don't think it's got much to do with that, because as I was going to the University and remembered the dream I just clearly knew it was about the thousands of students living (and dying) a life without the Lord.
Please continue to pray for the students at MGU and the work the Lord is starting there.
Before the Lord started to speak to me about the University I was convinced I was on my way to Siberia.
This region has been on my heart for some time, especially going with the Trans Siberian Railway.
So, now I'm sitting in Moscow thinking "Lord, what is the deal with the Trans Siberian?"
The way to get the students minds open for ministry and missions is to take them out on a missions trip. And what better place to go to than Siberia?
In the last couple of years quite a few churches have been planted along the railway.
New churches being planted is great, and that is why we are here. The problem is this - the church planters go home leaving a church not mature to carry on by itself.
Then, sadly, we hear of churches struggling and dying out.
One of the goals I've set for my self was to get out there to "Spy out the Land" within the next two years.
And see how the Lord surprises a person... I've just been blessed with the money for a train ticket there and back!
Now, please pray for this!
Pray that I will know clearly where to go, who to visit, when to go and what to say.
You know how it goes... Pray for everything!
Also please pray for the rest of the finances. I don't know exactly what is needed yet. I'm still busy working that one out.
I think this will all happen in October.
Please pray for all of this!
Pray that the Lord will show me clearly what is on His heart and that my plans will take a back seat.
Also pray for the future outreaches that will go out. Pray that the I will see what the Lord is planning for the students one day.
Another thing. Please let me know what is happening with you, that I can pray for you to.
Thank you for all the SMSes, e-mails, prayers and financial support. You are an integral part of this team.
Be blesses in Jesus Name!!!
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