Greetings from a now cooler Moscow!!!
Yes, it looks like the summer is over... There is a chill in the air and I just know we are in for a great autumn.
Mind you, any change from the pressing summer heat in Moscow is better! For those that didn't know it. Moscow can get hot! (In fact Moscow has the greatest difference in climate changes in the world. Its only competitor is Minneapolis)
I trust you are still praying for Moscow State University?
The work here needs lots of prayer.
Everywhere you go in Moscow in the summer you see workers fixing and tarring the roads. At first I thought: "Great! The people are fixing and building. This can only be a sign of a good economy and growth." Unfortunately my excitement was shattered when I saw how the roads are fixed. The old tar is broken into Small pieces and mixed with other stones and gravel. This is then spread over the road to be, and covered with a 3-4cm layer of tar and compacted with a machine.
And that is it... Till next year that is!!!
I don't quite know what the snow does to a road. So I might be wrong, but as I understand you need to dig deep and build a road with different layers of compressed ground, stones, gravel and tar. When I was in Bophuthatswana I saw people build a road, it was more than a meter deep.
Now the same principle applies with the work at the University. We need to dig deep! If we just cover the top layer with some prayer... We will have to start all over again next year, and if any persecution comes. It will break up any work without any problem.
No! We need to dig deep.
We need to lay a proper foundation. MGU needs to be covered in prayer.
Pray for the students that are to be part of the first home cell. Pray for the first leaders that are to be discipled and raised up. Pray for the training and establishing of these leaders that has to take place. Pray that the Lord will call students with "clean hands, and a pure heart" Ps24:3-4. Pray and keep on praying!
Nickey (one of the ladies working here in Moscow with us) was on the Metro with a friend and they were talking. Harry, a student from India heard they weren't talking in Russian and started talking to them.
Before they reached their station, he had bombarded them with questions about Christianity. It was so clear to them that he has a hunger for "reality". He is tired of living the lies of "religion" and worshiping dead gods!
They gave him my cell number.
In a week or so he phoned me. I was about to enter the Metro, and had he phoned five seconds later, he would have missed me.
We met and before I could say anything about Christianity he was asking me "so what does missionaries do?"
What more do I need... I told him that before I can explain what I do, I need to tell him how I got to be a missionary.
I told him how the Lord saved me and called me, and I explained the whole Gospel to him.
I told him that a relationship with the Lord is just that - a relationship!
We serve a living God. I got a chance to give him examples of my own life how the Lord spoke to me and revealed Himself to me.
We were in a very public place, so he didn't want to pray there with me. But I have his number and will follow him up.
Please pray for Harry. He is a Medical student at one of the institutes in the region.
Pray that the Lord will show Himself to Harry.
Also pray that the Lord will create more such "divine" meetings!
Pray for me as well.
Pray that the Lord will show me what I need to do at this crucial time.
Pray for finances. Not only for studying at MGU, but also for my day to day financial needs.
Although I am back in Moscow and have a visa (in my temp. passport) I still haven't received my new passport.
This should have been here some time ago already. Please pray that I will receive this, that I may be able to arrange for my last part of my stay here in Moscow. I think if the guys that stole my passport had only known the amount of troubles it would cause me they would have never stolen it!
Thank you for your prayers!
Thank you for you SMSes, encouraging e-mails and love.
This really means allot to me.
May the Lord bless you and keep you safe in His hands.
In Him
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