Thursday, November 10, 2005

Cheryomushki. This is a village of about 10'000 people. It reminds me a lot of Calitzdorp. Just much nicer! The church here hasn't got more than 30 people, but those 30 are on fire! We went on a prayer walk with a difference. We filled four cars and while praying drove seven times around the village. That was an interesting and new way of doing a prayer walk. The pastor here is "solid" and based in the Bible! After the conference I was very happy to see this! Please pray for Pastor Alexei and the Church of Cheryomushki. Pray that they will be able to change this place around and that they will be able to make an impact in this community. I told them that the people in SA are praying for the church in Russia... So, now you have to pray! The photo is of me talking to the Church of Cheryomushki. The interpreter is Natasha. When I got to Abakan I met a girl called Natasha (not the interpreter, another girl.) She had so many questions about God, the church and all that stuff. I had an opportunity to explain to her why Jesus had to die for her sins and that she need to accept this free gift to have eternal life. Last week a group of youngsters (me included - I'm still young) went hiking in the mountain. She came with and again I had a chance to talk to her in private. I asked her if she feels that her questions are answered. I can't remember her exact words but it basically comes down to this - she has peace in herself now. This kind of peace can only come from the Lord. We can't explain this kind of peace, and it goes beyond our understanding. For when things are going rough, or when it feels like we are pressed on all sides, we still have peace. When people ask you "how can you be so relaxed in this situation?" It is because we can see so much further than the situation. We can see God, the Lord over every situation. I could see this kind of peace in Natasha. Please keep on praying for her though! Also read - Philippians 4:7 (and if you don't have this kind of peace - Please get connected with the GOD OF PEACE!) Yeah, and the hike in the mountain was an absolute blessing! The top of the mountain was covered with snow. So we made a fire and had a picnic - on the snow (photo included)! I made some good friends and I just know I'll be back here again. When I get home I'll show you all the photos! My mission for coming here was to look and hear what the Lord is saying about future outreaches here with students. I had set as a goal to have done at least two outreaches in the next 5 years - and by that time to have everything in place to do yearly outreaches. But seeing the need and the hunger of the people here, and seeing the beauty of this place. I just feel I need to bring a group out here next year already. Another thing I think is to combine a team of Russian students and South Africans. I don't know how all this will fit in yet, or who will come, or where I'll get the students - but I have peace about it! Along with the peace I also have a sense of urgency! My heart is absolutely broken for these people! I've never seen people searching for the truth like this. I don't know how to explain it... Come with me next year, and you'll see! That is a big thing you must please pray for! Pray that the Lord will show me clearly what is on His heart, and that I wouldn't just be moved by my feelings but only by Him! So, where to next? Sarala. It is also a small village about 500km north from here. I met Pastor Vitali at the conference in Abakan. I think I'll be there till round about the 2nd of November. And from there, I go to Irkutsk! This is a big city just south of lake Baikal. Find it on a map and pray over it! What! You don't have a map of Russia..? GO GET ONE!!! And start praying over this great harvest field!!! Please pray about my time in Sarala. Natasha, the girl that has been translating for me up to now, will not be going with. This means I can communicate with the people, but will not be able to preach or share any major message in church. Also, please pray about the needed finances to get to Irkutsk. It is amazing how the Lord is looking after my finances. Sunday in church then the offering basket come around I just felt I needed to put is all the money in my wallet (there wasn't much in!). I just kept 20 Roubles for the bus to the next town where there is a bank. I didn't even need to keep that, because after the church service the pastor came and blessed me with some money. The Lord supplies, He uses people like you and me, but He supplies! Thank you for all the prayers, e-mails, SMS's, finances and love I got from you. I try to reply to e-mails as soon as possible, but internet isn't as freely available here as it is in Moscow! So, if you e-mail me - I will reply, just not as quickly as I would like to! May the Lord bless you with His PEACE in each and every circumstance and troubled time you go through!!! Al


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