Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Hi Wow! I have already been in Reni for almost 4 weeks! Ockert and family have all gone to Kiev to take Pappa & Mamma Hannes to the airport. Their driver is uncertain about driving in the "big city" so they have asked if they could use my cell phone. At the same time we have been having computer (Internet) problems. So, here I find myself with no means of contacting the "outside world". No SMS', no e-mails... I even tried the Internet cafe. No go! Therefore! Here I am. All by myself, but as I was walking to the shop I realized that my time of getting settled in - is over. Now, the work starts... Now, I don't have anyone or thing to hang on to. Now, it is sink or swim, it’s do or die. Guess what I will swim! I will "DO" I will "GO" and achieve what the Lord has asked of me to do. He said, “Tell others of my love, grace and mercy!” So. My walk through town was different. It was as if I we walking in Reni for the first time! I saw a "Babushka" - "Grandmother", she had the most beautiful eyes, open, clear and loving! I told her in broken Russian phrases... "Jesus loves you" and "You are pretty - in God's eyes". She just smiled at me and said that she did not understand Russian. She is Moldovian. Yeow! What do you know... I don't have a cooking clue how to repeat that in Moldovskie! So I gave her a friendly smile and said, “Good bye!” in Russian which she understood. It is going very well with the language. I can't speak Russian yet, but one of these days! In the beginning I had a big problem with the people, with whom I am staying. I couldn't understand them, and they couldn't understand me. As I was their guest I felt I had to spend some time with them, but this was very frustrating! The Lord has really been helping me with this. We are now chatting and communicating very well. Every now and then - there comes a word or a phrase that we can't get across. Then - we just wait till someone can translate for us. It is going good with Stjoppa and Saltan. I am off to Plavni again today. We have started a Bible study with the two of them. I think this will not only be a great time of learning for the two of them but also for Seroge. I pray that he will be greatly encouraged with this. Encouragement is something we all need! If the Lord has called a person to do His work, then the person called, is qualified, be sure of this, God doesn't make mistakes! But so often - we get discouraged by circumstances and the attitude of people around us - or by what they say. It is important to look to God and to focus on Him and not to be swayed by what we perceive around us.. It is also important to look around you: To see how the Lord is busy in other peoples lives and to encourage them with that. Remember, when you are in the middle of something, it looks very "deurmekaar" and sometimes all you need is someone to give you a bit of perspective... and everything then - looks completely different. I want to challenge you: Encourage at least one person today. (This wasn't a hint that you should encourage me...) Some prayer and praise points: @ Praise the Lord for the work he is doing with Stjoppa and Saltan. @ Praise the Lord for Seroge, and what the Lord is doing in his life. I think he has a great time ahead of him. @ Praise the Lord that I can be in Reni and do what He has called me to do! @ Praise the Lord for His mercy on me with the language. @ Praise the Lord for He is GOOD! * Please pray for the guys in Plavni. * Pray that Stjoppa will be strong: to submit to God and able to resist the Devil. * Please pray for the bible study in Plavni. * Please continue to pray for the English lessons. This is going good, but I need lots of help from the Father. * Please pray for the church in Reni, Svet Miro - "Light of the world". The people need a lot of encouragement to start doing the works, and speaking the words of Jesus. May the Lord bless you, and keep you safe in his hands. Al the Pote
Hi I flew to Kiev via Amsterdam The Amsterdam Airport is amazing. Friend, Boet said it would be big, busy and expensive... Well, it was all that and much more. I was told all about it but - until I experienced it - I had no Idea what it would be like. I suppose it this the same with many other things. If you haven't experienced real friendship... You don't know what friendship is. If you haven't experienced God's love and forgiveness, you will have no idea what people are going on about. While I was waiting at the "Boarding Gate" for the flight to Kiev from Amsterdam, I saw a whole lot of South-Africans. I thought, “That is great - so many South-Africans are going to the Ukraine!” Later, I realized that it was a Ukrainian Rugby team, and not South Africans at all. The truth is that people don't look any different. It was here that the reality of the people struck me. While in Hillbrow I came to appreciate that no work for the Lord is "Romantic", and that the Ukraine was not going to be any different. While on the plane I started to feel very insecure. I felt very ill equipped and don't even understand the language. I thought... In three years time I will look back and think one of two things: 1. I wish I had done it, or 2. "Praise God, He helped me to do it!" I am determined to do what the Lord has called me to do. I just pray that He will show me where and what. I am sure that He will give me the Grace not only to survive - but also to be successful at what He has called me to do… Somebody gave me a scripture to read. Jer 20:9 "But if I say, 'I will not mention Him or speak any more in His name,' his word is in my heart like a burning fire, shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." After landing... I was through customs, no problems. The people meeting me were a bit late, so I was surrounded by taxi drivers each insisting on a fare. I couldn't understand them, and they couldn't understand me. Later a was met with a sign "Albert" and an ice cream. This team helped me to get on the bus from Kiev to Ismahiel. On the bus I sat next to a very pretty girl. But, aw shucks, again there was no hope of communication. I gotta learn this language soon, real soon! I am staying with "Ducia" and her husband "Sasha". They are from Moldovia and speak no English. This was a real challenge. We have found one another with an English-Russian-Sign language mixture. In the beginning the language really caught me, but I have started to remember all the words and phrases I learnt in South Africa. Praise the Lord I got here safely. Praise the Lord that everything went smoothly. Praise the Lord for the lovely people I met here. Please pray for me that I will be able to learn the Language in good time. Please pray for Lucia’s husband, as he is not saved. Please that I will be able to slot in with the people and the work here. The people in the church are very nice. They are very loving and open. You can still see a "cloud" hanging over the people. They have been put down for so many years, and you can see it on their faces. The vineyards are ready for harvest at the moment... so everybody is busy making “wyn”. When you walk down the street you can just smell the wine. Please pray for the "alcoholism" and "depression" in this area. Thank you for all your prayers and support Al the Pote P.S. My e-mail address is up and running!
Hi, This week I went to the biggest bazaar I have ever seen... Come to think of it, I have only seen two other bazaars! Still, it was monumental. I walked around for three hours, got lost, and still didn't see everything. Right at the end I came across a map. Didn't help me much then! When I arrived at Reni, Ockert told me about a Radio Station he wanted to establish in Reni. I thought I would love to help with it, but I don't want to do anything that the Lord is not telling me to do. I prayed, and prayed, for leading, and asked the Lord to show me what He wants for me.  During this time I have seen a number of "signs" pointing to the radio station. I was so afraid of snatching at just any sign I see and thinking this is God - only to find - after six months that this was the flesh and not the Lord’s will. On the 21st (my b-day) Michelle held a party for me. While together Ockert and I spoke about the radio station. Later, on the bus to Plavni. I asked the Lord what He wants me to do about the radio. Am I to be involved – or not – what does He want? The Lord caused me remember something: Hugo from Mission Russia said, "Take every opportunity!"... And I thought this is a good motto not only for my time in the Ukraine but for all time thereafter…  I have accepted this as being a Rhema Word and the matter is settled in my mind…but as the bus carried on the Lord reminded me about some of the "sign boards" He has put up along my "road". One is a scripture Jer: 29:7 "But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare." It is also amazing how many scriptures there are that speak of lifting the Lord’s Name on high - Like a radio tower. So, after my three-month visa is completed I will go home and prepare to return to Reni. I thank the Lord that He is bigger than I, and that he sees so much further than I do.  I was stressed out about only getting a three-month visa. Now I will be able to go home… and explore the matter of establishing a radio station. I feel the telegramme from God about my future has been delivered.  Please pray that my time in South Africa will be fruitful concerning this. Please start praying for the Radio Station. Pray that the Lord will have his way with it, that only His will will be done and that He will get all the Glory!!! Praise the Lord for this wonderful thing he is about to do in Reni, the Ukraine and the surrounding countries. Like I said, Louis Britz (South African gospel singer) is coming to Reni. They will be here from the 1st to the 5th of November, holding shows and various other things. Please pray that all will go well with that. Please pray that there will be no problems with the authorities.  Pray that we will be able to attract lots of youths and older people and that they may be open to what the Lord wants to do in their lives. Please pray that this will not be just another concert... but that the effects of this will still be felt years later. The Language is coming on... slowly but surely. Thanks for your prayers for that. I don't know where I would have been if God didn't help me with the language!!! It is not going so well with the English classes. Please pray about this. Pray that I will be creative and also that I will be faithful with the task given to me. Thank you for all your prayers!!! May the Lord bless you. Al the Pote P.S. It started to snow today... Wow! Its pretty! And God is even prettier for making it.