Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Hi Well, as you know, I'm in Plavni. Tannie Jossie hasjust left for South Africa. A couple of weeks ago, a team from Reni was here and did a drama about drugs at the school. One of the teachers was so impressed with it, that she invited us to come and speak to the kids again about this problem. This is great that we got an open door into the school. It sounds like there are lots of problems in the school. Although it is a small village, there are lots of drugs and alchole abuse. Please pray that we will know exactly how to go about to reach those kids. Pray for wisdom, that the Lod will show us exactly how to reach the kids in the school. and that the Lord will set them free from these things that are binding them! I remember when I was in school, I didn't want anybody to tell me anything... (I wonder how much has changed?) We are also looking at English classes... Yes, as you know me... "the prayer he is very much needed ‘ere". Not just for the language, but also pray for the friendships that will be built and that we can start with a process of discipleship. We walked to Serioge's uncle’s house the other day, and on the way we saw an "old" member of the church. We stopped and visited her, later we saw someone we have been trying to see for some time... and we quickly popped in by him, for about an hour or so it took us a while to reach Serioge's uncle. It was great how the Lord was just opening the doors for us. When we came out of the uncle’s house... there were two men looking for us. They just asked Tannie Jossie to say something to them. She told them how much God loves them and gave them the gospel. Shortly there after one asked me if I'm married... And with in minutes "Why not?"... I had the opportunity to tell what the Lord is doing in my life through my choosing not to marry (just yet) and choosing to speak God’s word. This was another chance to speak of God love, grace and mercy. Please pray for encounters like this. Please pray that more people will open up and start to ask questions. We are also looking at starting doing open-air meetings on Sunday evenings. Please pray for this!!! When I came to Plavni, I found that we had to do the washing by the hand... Ai, and as my friends from OM know... This is not very high on my list of favourite passtimes... But, See how good God is. I saw an old twin tub washing mashien standing there. I asked around and found that the lady wished to sell it. I helped another lady fix her machine, so I knew what to look at to see if the thing was still in good nick. Well, the machine had never been used... not since 1971!!! I replaced one pipe that was perished, and there you have it. An very nice way to save my hands! This is now what we Afrikaners say, "'n Boer maak 'n plan!" Stjoppa was in church on Sunday... He was sober and looked good, but I know the drink still has an hold on him. The Lord is breaking my heart for this man. He needs lots and lots of prayer! Please pray that the Lord will show us where the problem lies... what is the cause of him running to the bottle the whole time. Drinking is a big problem in Plavni. Please pray! Thank you very much for all your prayer and support. With Love Al

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Hi As you heard in my previous letter, I am in Plavni. Before going to Plavni, I stayed in Reni for a couple of days, there I started on Rick Warren’s book, "Purpose Driven Life", for those who don't know, the book is a 40 day "process". I thought I'd work though it and focus on the lord before I went to Plavni. This time of focusing was really needed, by myself. Each time I think I am really spiritual and focused, I realize how "unfocused" I am and how easily, I "miss the mark" On a day, I was walking to the place where I am living, thinking about having a place that I can call home, thinking about settling down, getting my own transport and maybe even having a wife to care for... When I got home, I took my book "My utmost for His Highest" and read the next day piece. The heading was - "The surrendered life" - In reading this I realized I was very focused... Focused on my own needs and desires. I pray a good deal... For myself. "Lord, I want this.", "Lord help me with that.", "I need that other thing!" I realized that I am not living the Surrendered Life I set out to live at the begining. I saw that I had picked up many of those "things" I sacrificed. I Sacrificed my life to God, but I didn't keep on sacrificing my life. It’s an ongoing process. Galatians 2:20 says: "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Jesus, the Son of God, not only died a humiliating death on the cross as an innocent man, but He also sacrificed His place in heaven and came to earth for us. WOW, I can't understand that people can know this and yet not respond by giving their lives and living fully for the Lord. This does not mean you must pack your bags and come to the Ukraine... It simply means completely submitting to the rule and reign of God in your life. Being "Sold Out" for God!!! Back to me... When I realized that I missed the boat (In afrikaans we say: Ek't die pot mis gesit), I went into a time of prayer and sacrificed everything anew. I don't want to have a home, wife, laptop, or car if it isn't 300% in the will and time of the Lord! My priorities were seriously challenged in the last few days. Can I ask you: Where do your priorities lie? Where is your "heart"? Like I said, I'm in Plavni. This place needs the Lord! Please pray! There are lots of problems with alcohol and immorality. In the next letter I'll tell more about Plavni. Please pray that I'll stay focused on the Lord. Pray that I will be able to bring my sacrifice to the Lord, and keep on bringing my sacrifice. With being in Plavni I will be unable to e-mail all that often, but I would like you to e-mail me with you prayer requests. With my cellphone breaking I lost all my birthday and anniversary info. PLEASE send me all your important dates!!! If you are interested to read the day-piece I read in the book "My Utmost for His Higest", you can go to http://www.vineyardlife.co.za/preach/index.html May the Lord bless you, and keep you safe in His loving hands. Love Al the Pote