Well... I made it back home (although, I am not certain I can call my
mother's place home - any longer! I am afterall a WORLD traveler!)
My journey started 8h10 Wednesday morning in Reni and I ended in
Oudtshoorn at 9h00 the next week. In between lies a maze of 11hours waiting on Kiev airport, 16hours with a friend in Rotterdam, a day with Brother in-law (and his wife), and two days with my dad (and his wife.)
Yes that's no mistake - 16 hours in Holland! I arrived and asked
customs for a temp visa. Within 10min I was on the other side of a big Dutchman with a stamp and inkpad. One of my friends I had met during my time in OM picked me up and we walked Rotterdam flat. This was a real blessing, not only was I spared from 16 boring hours at Schiphol, but I got a chance to get all the gossip on my friends with whom I have lost contact.
I can now give you some info on the Radio Station. Ockert has
negotiated with the guys to whom the license belongs (we will not be able to buy the licence, however, they have agreed that we may use this licence.) The granting of further licences is nigh impossible. It's a "doringnes" of red tape!
The licence is for a high tower in a small village known as -
Karmanskeie. It is near a bigger town called Artaz.
The location is exactly between Reni and Odessa. With a 1.5KW
transmitter we will be able to cover the area from Reni to Odessa, touching Moldovia and Romania. The Freq. is 102.6Mhz (I think, could also be 106.2Mhz)
Reni is situated very low, so we might have a problem to get the signal in there. The people who own the licence have said that they can supply us with all the equipment - at a price! The cost of this will be about $30 000.00
The monthly payment on the licence will be about $400.00 (I think this will include the royalties and that stuff.)
Then we will also need to employ some presenters.
As you can see... there will be lots of costs. Please pray that the Lord
will provide us not only with our physical needs, but also with the
wisdom needed to get this thing going.
Please pray for my time back home.
Please pray that I will be able to do all the things the Lord sent me
back here to accomplish. Pray that I will be able to get "radio technician training material". Pray that I will be able to speak to just the right people about this. If we try and do it without the God... we will fail!
And as far as being back home... Like I said. I feel torn in two. I am
happy to see all the familiar faces, family and friends... But I miss
the people the Lord been breaking my heart over. I wish I could go back tomorrow. The people in Reni (and area) are beautiful, and there culture is amazing. I am amazed at some of the friendships I've made there. If I made such good friends in two months... I think the next 2years will be amazing!!!
I praise the Lord for the time He has given me in Reni.
I praise Him for all the love He has shown me in this time of being on
my own. I praise Him that He is in control, and that He doesn't make
mistakes. When He sent me there for 3 months, He knew what would happen long before I could even dream of anything like a Radio Station. He is Lord, in control, and ALIVE!!!
Thank you for all your prayers.
May the Lord bless you!!!
Al the Pote
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Thursday, November 06, 2003
Well Louis Britz and the guys are here... We picked them up on
Saturday morning in Odessa. The afternoon we had a show in one of our
The music was great, but everything that could go wrong - did! We
had a drunken guy dancing (and almost stripping) at the front. Another
drunk climbed on stage, drums falling apart and lots of sound
The next night (Sunday), we had a big open-air concert in the centre
of Reni. This was the BIG show! And everybody was there.
I was responsible for the lighting... and that was an absolute DE-ZA-
STAR! The power kept cutting out and tripping. Some of the lights
wouldn't work, and two almost caught fire.
I didn't know what to do. I felt a complete failure.
Then Monday. We had a show at the church. The lights were good, the
sound was great, and the music was even better! (Thank the Lord the
one drunken man who also attended didn't like to dance naked!!!)
This morning we had a "worship-leaders training". This also went
I came to realize I was banking too much on the people or the
performance. I was looking at the "musicians" and everything I had to
do with the lights. I completely forgot about God. I lost my focus.
I'm sure not everything was my fault... but I am sure my part would
have been better if I looked to the Lord and got my strength and zeal
from Him.
Please pray that I will be able to "keep the Main thing the Main
thing." Pray that I will be able to get focused and stay focused on
the Lord. He is our strength and power!
Please pray that everything will go well with the rest of Louis
Britz's time here in Reni. From here they will be going to Turkey.
Please pray for that outreach too. Pray that they will be able to know
when to be sensitive and when they can speak Gods Word boldly. Pray
that they will have wisdom in their time there.
With the radio station there are no real new news... Ockert and I are
still sorting out what exactly my role in the radio station will be.
Please pray that we will be able to hear from the Lord and know His
plan and that we will be able to fall into line with Him.
Please also pray for the equipment, finances and resources that will
be needed for the radio station.
At first we will put a small tower on Univermag (the church building),
where the station will be located, we will cover the local area at
first. Then as we grow... we will cover a larger area. We will also
start with a limited amount of broadcasting time... and then as time
goes on we will increase that.
At the moment I'm attempting to work out what area we will be able to
cover when we start.
The whole initial stage looks very deurmekaar, but we know that this
is the Lord’s will and we are going forward in confidence!
Thank you for your prayers.
Without your part in the work here in Reni nothing is possible.
We are partners in the gospel... Without you, your prayers and your
financial support... well, I would not be here!
May the Lord Bless you and keep you close to His heart.
Al the Pote