As you will have guessed by now, Plavni is a very small village and there isn't much going on, at the moment...
We have just had some good rain and now some hot weather, which I hear is good for the crops. So all the people are out in the fields working. I tried a couple of times to go and visit people but without success.
As for the meeting, things are definitely going forward.
Two weeks ago, I thought I'd do something new... Instead of the normal
"preach" at the Cell group on Thursday, I suggested that we pray for the
Ukraine, our province, area and village. Some of the people are not too
happy about things being changed.
During the meeting one of the girls left and went home to sleep. She then
dreamed she was with us praying, and a man dressed in black came to
our door and said that we should not pray so loud... After a while he covered his
ears and shouted, "No, stop that!"
After last weeks Cell meeting, Serioga's dad had a dream as well. He
dreamt we were all praying in the church... We were all flat on the
ground for the presence of the Lord was so strong that we couldn't get
I believe God wants to do something great in Plavni and the surrounding
area... But we have to humble ourselves and pray first before the Lord
will do anything.
Please pray with us that the Lord will visit us here in Plavni. Just as Jacob
wrestled with God and then said that he saw Him face to face. We also want to
see God face to face!
Please pray that we wont quit till we see Jesus.
Please pray that wont get stuck on the way we have always done
things, but that we will be able to see this "new thing" that the Lord is
preparing for Plavni.
As for the Radio Station...
Things are looking like its starting to happen now. The people who were
going to give us the Broadcasting licenses, changed there minds and
suddenly wanted a lot of money. But then - we found a different contact that
will help us to get our own license. This shouldn't take longer than 3
months! So, at the moment I'm making MP3 like crazy, and also setting
up a data base of all the music we have. This is a slow and frustrating
process as the computer I have is the one Noah used to put up a data
base for all the animals that went into the Ark...
We praise the lord for the things He has already done in getting the
Radio Station going, and for all the wonderful things He wants to do
through it.
We pray that the Lord will give us favour with the authorities, and the
people in charge of the brought casting licensing!
Please pray with me for a laptop that will be able to handle the work that
needs to be done.
Something interesting happened the other day.
I was walking to the shop, and as I walked pass a lady waiting for the
bus she said something in either Russian or Moldovian to me. She
spoke to fast for me to decipher what she said, so I opted for the easy
way out and just said in my best Russian "I don't understand Russian"...
She then said something. I understood the words, but didn't know what she
meant with them. The interesting thing though was the expression on
her face. It's like she was saying "Yesterday you could speak Russian,
and now all of a sudden you can't?"
Later that day, I told Serioga about the encounter, because I thought her
expression was quite funny...
When I said the words she said, he translated it as "How did that
happen?" (Needles to say, I wouldn't type the Russian words, for most of
my Afrikaans speaking friends will stone me and unsubscribe to the newsletter for
all the swear words)
The thing was, the lady just presumed that everybody can speak
Russian. She must have met a foreigner before... "But how could
somebody not speak Russian?" "How did that happen that you all of a
sudden lots your ability to understand our language?"
Sadly I think we do that spiritually as well. We just presume things.
Some time it is "We have always done that, so I suppose there is
nothing wrong with doing it!" or what about "It's written in a book so I
suppose it must be true?"
And I know when I am back home, I see all the street kids, and I get so
used to them, that I am not bothered with what is happening to them.
Thank you for all your prayers, encouraging and financial support!
I try to pray for the people praying for me, but unfortunately I don't
always know what to pray for. Please let me know what I can pray with
you for.
May the Lord bless you, and keep you safe in His hands.
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