Monday, May 10, 2004

Hi We have a computer in Plavni! The intention was to put all our CD and music in MP3 format for the Radio station... but as the computer is a bit old and still works on paraffin (not really, but that Gives you some idea how outdated it is!) The program doesn't work. So, but at least I can now type my e-mails and save them to disk during the week, and then send them when we get to civilization on Tuesdays. What I need is a laptop. Please pray with me that the Lord will provide me with this. I am unable to mail every day, the letters are a few days old. So, if I talk about yesterday, being Thursday, and you read the letter on Tuesday. Please don't stone me for a heretic! Serioge normally handles the youth and kids meetings, but today he went to the doctor in Reni. He got back - just in time - but just before the people were due, and I mean just before, he told me he hasn't had time to prepare and do I perhaps, have a message for them? Now I had just been reading about Tamara in Gen 38, and this reminded me that there were only four women named in the line of Jesus in Matt. Tamara was one of them. She dressed herself up like a "cult prostitute" and had a son with her father in law. The other three mentioned was: Rahab also a prostitute in Jerico, before she helped Joshua and Caleb, Ruth a women - from a completely different nation! Then also "the wife of Uriah" who had a son with David while married to Uriah. This just stuck in my heart, and I didn't even think what I would say to the boys. When the youth showed up... there was only four girls! That confirmed it to me that God wanted to speak to these four girls about four women worthy of mention in the "line" of Jesus. I told them the stories of the women and there back ground. How does it happen that these four women get to be singled out - from of forty two generations of people? It cannot just be by chance… Tuesday night, for more than an hour I was laying awake in my bed watching a film, I saw my life flash before my eyes, I wasn't just reminded of the things I've done, I literally re-lived them. Just when I thought, "How could I do that" I shame myself even more for the next picture I saw. I had forgotten out of where the Lord had taken me! I just saw my "holier than thou" attitude and don't remember all the troubles I've made. How did I get from that place to where I'm now? Only by Jesus. He took away everything that I've done, everywhere I've been, every bad thing somebody has done to me. He took me, not only healed up my hurts, but cleaned out my life that I can stand before Him a new person. Mary (sister of Lazarus) was pouring out a costly perfume/oil on Jesus' feet. She was a prostitute and had paid dearly for the bottle of perfume. I can even hear her words to Judas as he complains about the wasting of perfume that could have been sold! "You don't know of the tears I've cried earning this oil. You don't know where I've been, you don't know where Jesus came when he fetched me out of sin." You can read it for yourself in the first few verses in John12. I believe the Lord started a great work in these four girls lives today. This small group might not compare to a big youth group... but the work that has started in these girls lives... we cannot measure. As Serioge and I are guys, we can't pray through things with the girls, but we will organize a woman from Ockert’s church to come and pray with them individually. Please pray for them. Pray that the Lord will take away the hurts from things they have done and from the things people have done to them. Please pray that the Lord will reveal His love to them, and that they might one day be able to go out and tell other women of what the cost was for the offering of "oil" they are pouring out on Jesus' feet. Please pray for Plavni! We are praying that the Lord will bring Revival to this little village! That the Spirit will bring conviction of sin and that the people will turn to God! When Peter preached at Penticost, the bible says that 3000 people was saved. It is not impossible that the Lord will save the 2000 people of Plavni. We started with English classes, but I was expecting too much of them, and started to go too fast. So, today I realized I just have to go back to the beginning... and do the ABCs and take it slow. I'm not capable of teaching the people English, but I know that "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me" Phil 4:13. So, please pray for me! I need a lot of prayer for this. We have started to build relationships with the "new kids" coming to Engish, but this also need lots of prayer! (You can also pray for Boet, he corrects this newsletter before you receive it. You and he both know I do not speak the Kings English, so he has to get a balance between, what is correct and my manner of speaking…) Please pray for Serioge. Pray that the Lord will give me grace and have mercy on me with his discipline. Pray that the Lord will give me wisdom! And Stoppa has been sober for some time now! Praise the Lord! You can keep him in your prayers though. Thank you for your prayers! I don't know where I would have been without you. It is true when Paul says... "For we are partners working together for God." 1Cor 3:9. We are partners in this work... You are the senders, and I go. I can't go without you, and you can't send if you don't have anyone to send. My prayer for you is that the Lord our Great Big God will bless you and keep you safe in His hands! Love Al the Pote


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